Forest Schools is always a fun adventure for the children at Hyde Preschool. We are lucky not only to be surrounded by the beautiful forest, but we have a designated forest schools area based in the security of the church grounds. With our qualified forest schools leader, the children are able to. take part in many different activities that they wouldn’t necessarily get to do while in the preschool sessions.

The many different activities that take place at forest schools are:
Building and using rope bridges
Swinging on our forest swings
Learning about fire safety and how to build a fire
Cooking lots of delicious things over a fire Drinking Hot Chocolate
Using a saw, hand drill and other tools to make things
Whittling Bug hunts Exploring the forest Tree climbing and much more!!

The key features of forest schools include:
The use of a natural outdoor environment
Child led approach to children’s learning
Builds children’s confidence and self-esteem as they are responsible for making their own decisions and are carefully supported to achieve these Children can learn to assess and take risks in a safe, supported way
Allows every child to have a voice, especially those who find it difficult to communicate in a more conventional learning environment
A high adult to child ratio allows children to undertake new experiences and challenges whilst taking appropriate risks Children learn the importance of the natural environment and how to respect it