
We distribute newsletters during each half term including details of weekly themes, events, fundraising and general Pre-School news.

Any additional information is put on our noticeboard and emailed to parents during the term.


Tapestry Online Journal

We use an online learning journal, Tapestry, to maintain two-way communications between Pre-School and parents.

Photographs and comments of activities are regularly uploaded onto the system to support and demonstrate a child’s progress at Pre-School. Likewise, we also welcome parent’s comments and photographs to be shared with us.

To ensure complete confidentiality of each individual Tapestry journal, it can only be accessed with a unique, secure password created by the child’s parents.

You can find out more about Tapestry at

All About Me Books

We ask parents to provide photographs of your child and the family, home, pets, friends etc as another communication link and as a discussion point for children – they all love to look at pictures of themselves and their families.

When children start at Hyde Pre-School, we give you an ‘All About Me’ book to fill in with them, which is available for them to look at during each session. This helps practitioners to get to know your child, provides links between home and Pre-School, and is the basis for lots of social interaction and communication. As a starter, we ask if you could provide some photos for their books. Each term we look to refresh these to show special events, such as birthday celebrations, holidays, trips and visits, etc.